today is my last day of school and for the last time im wearing school uniform and i am suppost to be happy right now and enjoy the day with my friends. instead of being happy, now i feel dull and blank. the days that im going through now will be less productive. like i have no point to get through in my life. i think maybe because before these the whole day of my life is spent at the school. i spent almost 11 years in the school age. now all is going to change. no more early wakeup, the teacher, school uniform,good morning greeting,and the monday caremony. ahh. feel kind of sad. i will missing my shcool journey. nowadays the path is defferent then before. i need to be more mature and open minded. the outsite world that are waiting for me is a lot more different and advantureus than the past one. hope i can handle it well. well now i think these few weeks i will hangout with my freind and travell to other state. KL maybe. after that before the SPM result come out i will work part time. probably at cs. arhh. still don't know yet where to work. gonna make some money. i want to buy the things that important in my daily routine. before spm i have made a bucket list for those item. haha. and here is it.
- handphone
- guitar electric
- new dektop
- topshop item
i think these few items are enough to statisfy the life that i have today. to own these item were my dream. i hope the dream will be realist soon. to my schoolmate outsite there, hope we will stay connect axcept for this one person that made my life such a tragic. arhh. she is the worst person that i known in my intire life and god. i wish i din't know her at all in the first place. she brought the worst nightmare in my life journey. furtunately the nightmare is over and today i have a better life. thanks to these word that i admire most. "great patience comes with great reward". these word help me a lot in handleling those situation. da sampai sini je la. malas da. da la lapaar. english aku kunfem ade byk salah. mampuih. haha (filzah tlong betul kn ape yg patut haha)
ini dikda diberi nama. petah bersuara didalam msg sahaja.bila berjumpa dia diam x terkata. tetapi bila bergambar beraksi sana. haha. ini la dia, budak sentoi. budak ni knal sbb kawan eka. nak tahu eka sapa pula nnti2 jea la. haha tunggu wa post baru. die nie bajet. dalam ym ke ms petah. haha. bila depan "its ok" je ayat dia. ahaha. ape2 je la minah ni. ahaha. di sbb kan dia mmbaca blog gua dan mengikuti liku2 siku2 suma perjalanan blog aku. jadi sbagai menghargai jasa. cehh. hahaha. aku tulis je la pasal dia kasik blog ni terisi sket. haha. die ni umur 16. tp mcm 61, haha. da la bajet tinggi minah ni. die suka mkan sutong kalu tuan2 nak tahu. haha. ahh. sbelum telupa. sapa nak jd bf dia kena beli kn beg laptop. xde keje en? haha. korang ambek je la beg laptop mak korang kalu nak jd bf dia. beg pasar pun bleh kot, ala bukan dia tahu. asal beg dia petak mcm laptop sudahh. ahahaha. ok sakian , hahaha. jngn morah ya. haha
teka teki- banyak2 bas, bas ape yg pandai?
- banyak2 tanjung, tanjung ape yg gila?
- abu bawak moto laju gila. skali die telanggar ape?
- bayak2 anti korang. yg mana satu anti korang ade kat komputer ?
- teka teki teka tekuk, ular mati dalam mangkuk. ape ada dalam mangkuk?
- bas sekolah
- tanjung rambutan
- langgar peraturan
- anti virus
- bangkai ular
- harimau mati meninggalkn belang, gajah mati meninggalkn gading. manusia mati meninggalkn dunia
- biar putih tulang, jngn kuning gigi
- harap kn pagar, pagar pagar tak boleh harap
- habis madu sepah jngn buang merata2.
- sepandai2 tupai melompat xdapat masuk olimpik juga.
haha. itu je la yg dapat aku merepek kan di update kali ini. haha. harap sapa yg baca bleh layan
market market hahahahah
teka teki kau kekejian giler -___-
ehh dikda !ade plak tart cini ?haha .
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