so, it has been a while since last day i updated my blog and you guys were probably wondered what was happening. well, nothing is happening to me actually. im just not in the mood of blogging lately. to filzah and faeez. sorry for the delay, u guys were probably anoyyed because i updated my blog pretty late. just watch on my chat box and read what they have wrote. haha. they expected my blog to be updated at the day that we hangout. but here im updating my blog today. haha. i had a great time with filzah and faeez during that hangout. when with them the time will always full with jokes and laugh and that what make me feel awesome about them. they were like difference from the other. i love hangout with them and please to be invited by them again for one more trip. we went for a movie btw. like i said before the movie was avatar and AVATAR was totaly out of my range. i didn't expect the movie was going to be like these. i thought the movie is going to be like lame and boring. but the truth is the movie it is beyond your imagination and u should watch the movie. like should should should watch. it is full of fantasy and uniqe. the CGI was maximumly drag you to the real life. btw filzah and faeez u guys were wicked cool. i had fun with u guys.

btw during these few days, i spent a lot on this website
www.crunchyroll.com watching anime episode. yasterday i spent like 5 hour watching anime episode and it was free. the quality of the video and the sound was cleaner and sharper compare to youtube. if u feel like u have much time to wasted on. just waste it on this website, there is also a few of korean drama being updated weekly. do check it out. the website is pretty cool.

on this morning which is today. well not totally in the morning. it was at 12.30 p.m i was woken by a phone call and it was from the 7-elaven asking me for an interview at 7-eleven persisiran perling on this monday. i didn't remembered what she wants me to bring on that day. because i was still in state of bluriness. after all she is a girl. the soft voice is making me felt more sleepy like she was an angel singing on my ear. haha. after she is done talking i continue my sleep like it was no big deal to me. haha. when im awake i realized that it will be my 1st interview and it should be a big deal . well i better prepare for the day.
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