just want to have a short update. firstly i want to welcome to our new year 2010 and goodbye to you 2009. a happy new year to all my fellow friends. new year means a new journey toward glory which if you choose a wise path. hope the life that i have will be brighter than the past year and please forgive me for all unpleasant things that i might done to you. we are human being , we can't escape from making mistake. let the past be the past. what's important is we learn from our past mistakes and try to reconstruct ourself to be a better person. when i looked at my past year which was in 2009 , there were much that must be fixed. 2009 was my worst year ever. a lot of tragic things were burden me during the month of july-sept. fortunately i manage to handle it well and it is all over now. all thanks to this word "great patient comes with great reward" which i created myself to overcome the situation. well it is all over now. like what i have said before. let the past be the past. now 2010 will be my new adventure. i'm a grownup person now. well from the appearance i may look childish but don't underestimate what is inside. for your information , i have a 1000 years old mind. so do be careful when making a conversation with me. ahaha. :P to survive a new type of adult lifestyle a modification must be done to my days schedule. the picture on the left side of the post was taken by faeez in the year of 2009 at Cikgu Rabiah house during addmath tuition. obviously , i am going to miss each person in that picture. well then goodbye 2009 . enough with the speech. as usual FILZAH my English mentor please check my English and tell me what to correct. ahaha. (ni a short update plak kan?) ahahaha
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