day by day, it turn out to be bored and bored. goshhh. i wish i could have someone who i can talk and do things together. guitar was my only buddy that i could satisfied my time when im at home, he was the only one who always accompanied me during sadness,bored and loneliness. wish you were a girl who i can communicate with. but when i looked at the other way , it turned out to be a good thing for me surprisingly. by doing that so. my guitar skill will grown hastily and i consume my time is not wasted then. but still i think i need someone. somebody please be my best buddy. i have met so many, but yet there is no one suitable. there is no one who manage to grap my heart. well particularly there is one girl. but nahh. haha. well my guitar. do not worry my dear. you will never be abandon when somebody emerged to be my best buddy or should i call my girl friend. beside,when that happens. you will now be used more frequently for her. haha. well blog reader, what was i'm crapping just now?. haha. merepek ajeee, filzahhh. mcm biasaaaa. haha.
hari da x sekolah. aku saje menganjing budak2 sekolah msg dorang seruh bangun pegi sekolah. memandangkan aku pun masih terjaga da tidak tahu berbuat ape. maen guitar je, kacaw la budak2 ni. ahaha. antara mangsanya ialah dikda. da 2 kali die kene. bahaha. padan muka dia. aku pagi ni lapa. so aku panaskn ayam merah ngap 3ketul. lepas itu masak telur 2 biji. bwat sndwic. dngn bwang da kobis. waa sedap2. baru je bwat ni. da aku nak mkn sanwic uhh. haha. bye2 semuaaa. hahaha.